– stripping surfing back down to its most elemental form

About Phoresia

Our Metaphor

Phoresia.Org - Your Resource for Green SurfingPhoresia is the Latin form for the modern term phoresy. Phoresy is a symbiotic relationship, in which one organism transports another organism of a different species. Sharks and remoras relationship is an example of Phoresia. Furthermore, sharks and remoras relationship is one where the remora benefits and the shark is not affected. At, our intention is to strip surfing back down to its most elemental form; to highlight the symbiotic relationship that humans share with waves and to do so in a way that encourages the protection of our precious natural environment.

Our Vision

We want to revolutionize the buying power of surfers worldwide in order to preserve the organic integrity of our pursuit and secure a sustainable future.

Our Mission

To provide a consumer resource about environmentally and socially responsible surf related products and lifestyle choices.

Contributors & Submissions is a reader-supported service. If you wish to write an article, would like to submit a link, or know of someone or something that should be on our site, please contact us at

Contact Information

Ricardo Salcedo – Editor, content development

David Lawless– Designer, content development


Copyright R. Salcedo & D. Lawless ©2007, ©2008, ©2009, ©2010, ©2011, ©2012, ©2016