– stripping surfing back down to its most elemental form

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Biofoam rocketfish update: Good news & bad news…

Saturday, October 27th, 2007

Which do you wanna hear first? Well, the good news is after getting some really fun sessions on the 6’0″ Biofoam rocketfish I can say that I am impressed with the durability of the board so far. I surfed four sessions in dumping shorepound barrels and was sure that I’d snapped it on more than […]

Biofoam Project: Handshaped Organic

Monday, September 3rd, 2007

Getting a custom board can be a long process. I easily spend weeks, even a few months sometimes, dreaming about plan shapes, fins, foils, what style and approach will work for a board, etc. Once I finally decide on the board and have some dough saved up comes the process of taking everything in my […]

Biofoam project: the rocketfish

Sunday, July 15th, 2007

In our last post we introduced our Biofoam project, ordering two boards from a local shaper out of components readily available through the companies that make these products. I just picked up the first board from the glass shop this past week and I’m stoked to share the specifics as well as some photos of […]

Putting Our Money Where Our Mouth Is:
a Biofoam Project

Sunday, July 8th, 2007

Certainly some of our more cynical readers (including ourselves) have wondered where we come off with all this green business. And to be honest, Phoresia has been a real learning experience thus far. But in order to put some of our ideas into practice we have come up with a self-serving scheme to build two […]

Mandala does BioFoam

Tuesday, April 3rd, 2007

Manny over at Mandala surfboards shaped some BioFoam and gives a good objective review of it on his new blog (which is worth checking out in itself). Check it out, his post also has pictures of the 5’11 Bat tail he shaped. Some good general shaping info on the blanks as well from the BioFoam […]

Latest board – Bamboo/carbon Floatey Fish

Wednesday, January 5th, 2011

So my trusty old summer board was finally starting to show the effects of 5+ years of abuse. Pretty damn good run for poly 6/6/6 glassed board, but the electrical tape ding repair on the rails was becoming a loosing battle. After a good clean up for some ding repair I realized it was time […]

Bamboo veneer rocketfish

Monday, August 24th, 2009

I recently replaced my ol’ reliable Neilson 6’0″ Rocketfish. I was stoked on the EPS/epoxy construction and how well it held up over the 4 years of abuse I put it through, but it was time to replace it while I could still get some resale value out of it and I was planning on […]

Grey Ghost: the Joe Falcone emerging shaper interview

Sunday, March 1st, 2009

Last fall Lawless and I met in NYC to attend the New York Surf Film Festival. One of the rad people we got to meet was Clams. Earlier in the morning we’d borrowed some boards from Mollusk kingpin Chris (thanks again Mick for the hook). When we came back to return the Christenson Bonzer  and […]