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Comet Skateboards – opening retail shop

We’ve been digging what Comet Skateboards has been doing for a long time. They are WAY ahead of the game when it comes to sustainable business practices. Looks like they are opening a retail shop in Ithaca, NY. Pretty out of the way place, but thankfully they’ve got it covered with this whole new-fangled Interwebs thing. Check them out online and support these guys for your next urethane-wheeled shred-sleds.

We did an interview with Jason Salfi from Comet Skateboards quite a few years ago, back when they were based in Oakland, CA.  It’s still relevant and goes to show how far ahead of the game they were building skateboards with sustainable business practices.

Good luck guys with the new shop!

Comet Skateboards
126-B Ithaca Commons
Ithaca, NY

• Category: skateboarding

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