– stripping surfing back down to its most elemental form

Surfer’s Path – Malcolm Campbell Interview

We’ve been wanting to do an interview with Malcolm Campbell for some time. We actually got to meet him in NYC at the NY Surf Film Festival and chatted with him briefly. Super gracious and humble guy and was keen on doing an interview. The Surfer’s Path just did a great piece on him written/photographed by Simon Buck. After reading their interview, there’s not much we could really add to that, so just click on over and read the Surfer’s Path interview with Malcolm Campbell.

Both Ricardo and myself have been riding Bonzers from our good friend and shaper Tom Neilson of the banana yellow variety for the past few months. His in cold point waves, and mine in warm beachbreaks. I finally got some really good waves on mine the past two weeks and have been really impressed with the speed and maneuverability of the Bonzer setup. It’s been my go-to board for anything over head high lately and I’ve been constantly impressed by it’s hold on late/critical drops and the speed you get without pumping.

They seem to work equally well in lined-up clean surf or dumpy, peaky beach break. All I had heard before I owned one was how they were for good, clean lined up waves, but I’ve found it’s a great setup for hollow peaky beachbreak. Again, sometimes you just have to commit to riding a shape and coming to your own conclusions on how it works. Needless to say I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the Bonzer.

Malcolm’s suggestion from the article – “Take your favourite board, stick the five-fin system on it, and see how it goes.” This seems to be extremely valid advice. If you haven’t had a chance to ride one, beg, borrow or steal one the first chance you get and give it a try.

• Category: interviews,

3 Responses »

  1. don’t think i’ve met a bonzer i didn’t like yet. currently i have three in the rotation, all epoxy/eps #1 7’8″ 5 fin from Malcom glassed by clyde beaty(the guru of epoxy), #2 8’3″ from bryan wynn an eggy 5 fin and #3 8’2″ travel rocket sled from Fletch at point blanks. the Malcom board is 7 years old and has no dings just a few heel dents and still flys. not a bad quiver for an old(62) guy….can’t wait tillschool out and ican go back to panama—theres a certain point break that i really miss…as right coast winter begins

  2. It was indeed an excellent interview. A nice mix of hydro-dynamics and mysticism . Really inspiring.

  3. Had recently visited my Mom and Dad for Thanksgiving last week. I happened to view pictures of family members on a hutch where I flashed on a picture of my young son with my first,maybe second Malcom 5-fin Bonzer. He was five or six with the Sullivans Island lighthouse in the background and him holding my board behind him standing straight up. Hampton was so small. Huge Logo on the deck. Classic. Kinda made me reflect on how time has passed….Always loved M.C. shapes. Flash to three years ago…
    Met Darren Douglas, a Bonzer team member as my son and I were heading down to Pavones, laying over at Hermosa for two days. Compimented him on his wave after he kicked out. Told him of the 180 degree south swell arriving in 36 hours and sent him spinning. See, Darren had been to Pavones before and I could see how magical it was just looking at him. I’d never been. Darren needed to go and I asked my then 13 year old if it was okay to have a traveler with us and he said “sure”. Long story short. Darren and and his delightful girlfriend joined us and we had an unreal trip. He had a quiver three beautiful Bonzers. All Malcom shapes.
    Darren ripped. We caught two big souths in six days. From the point through the cantina. Just Classic. Best part of the whole story is the complete connection-Malcom, Darren, Me and my son. I was so stoked to read the article. Best for the whole Bonzer Front! Merry Christmas to all-