Need a green read?
As far as surfing publications go, most are the run of the mill high gloss big air extreme sport extravaganza that we are all used to seeing at our local magazine shack. There are options however, both at the newsstand and on the Internet. While magazine publishing has little to do with our immediate goal here at, there are some interesting connections that can make a case for this post.
Many of us are aware of the interconnectedness of our world. But we are not always aware of the repercussions of manufacturing processes of the everyday things we enjoy. In an editorial by Drew Kampion, Associate Editor of Surfer’s Path in North America, he explains a little about the process of papermaking and how it affects you and I. He goes on to explain that:
“It’s simple common sense: the survival of our surf spots is directly linked to the health of our rivers and streams, and the wholesale clear-cutting of forest ecosystems, along with the treatment of wood pulp with toxic chemicals like chlorine bleach in the manufacturing of paper, link directly to many of the water-quality problems being addressed by numerous global environmental organizations, like Surfrider and Save Our Surf.”
So if you feel compelled to purchase a surf magazine consider the Surfer’s Path. Starting with their 42nd issue they are printing on 100% post-consumer recycled paper that has been prepared without using chlorine bleach.
Aside from being a sustainable surfing publication, the Surfer’s Path contains excellent writing and photographs. They also often cover many of the sustainability issues that relate to surfing, surf tourism and manufacturing.
For more on Surfer’s Path you can check out their website at