Sustainable business is a growing trend, and although the definition is quite broad, most models have multiple bottom lines including profit, people and environment. If you went to business school in the last twenty years it’s likely that business ethics classes revolved around a corporations’ responsibility to its shareholders. Luckily, the ideas of sustainable business are broadening business ethics to include social and environmental responsibility.
This week I had the pleasure to see Stephen Lewis speak about corporate social responsibility. His talk revolved mostly around pharmaceutical companies and their unwillingness to assist with the HIV crisis in the African continent. He referred to a United Nations document called the Global Compact, a document outlining 10 principles to ensure social and environmental responsibility by corporations. These principles however must be adopted voluntarily and there is no way to enforce them.
Recently in the surfing world there has been a sea of change going on with big name surfboard manufacturers taking their companies offshore. Sure they are maximizing profits for their shareholders as well as bringing cheaper equipment to consumers. But what are the real implications of outsourcing labor? Are they being socially and environmentally responsible? At Phoresia our intention has always been to be optimistic about people and companies who care about their customers and employees and who also care about their environmental impact.
We are not alone in our views. Paul Hawken and others have launched a site called WiserEarth. It’s a database for organizations focused on social and environmental responsibility. They have also launched Wiser Business — another database specifically for businesses practicing sustainable principles. Both sites are based on a participatory model allowing users to make changes and add entries. If you are involved with an organization or business pursuing sustainability, please check out these two sites and include your own business or organization. Check out other organizations in your area and help the movement by supporting local economy.